Educational Materials
Educational Materials
Women’s Health Diagnostic Fact Sheets
- ASC-US (Atypical Squamous Cells of Undetermined Significance)
- AGUS (Atypical Glandular Cells of Undetermined Significance)
- LSIL (Low-Grade Squamous Intraepithelial Lesion)
- HSIL (High-Grade Squamous Intraepithelial Lesion)
- HPV (Human Papillomavirus)
- Gonorrhea
- Chlamydia
Women’s Health Questions & Answers
- ThinPrep® PAP Test
- HPV (English)
- Papilomavirus
- Chlamydia & Gonorrhea (English)
- Clamidia y Gonorrea (Español)
- Cystic Fibrosis
Urology Diagnostic Fact Sheets
- BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia)
- Prostatitis
- High-Grade PIN (High-Grade Prostatic Intraepithelial Neoplasia)
- Prostate Cancer
Urology Questions & Answers
- Prostate Cancer
- Cáncer de Próstata (Español)
- Bladder Cancer
- Cancer de Vejiga (Español)
- Kidney Stone Disease
- Cálculos Renales (Español)
Dermatology Diagnostic Fact Sheets
- Basal Cell Carcinoma
- Carcinoma de Células Basales (Español)
- Squamous Cell Carcinoma
- Carcinoma de Células Escamosas
- Melanoma
- Melanoma (Español)
Gastrointestinal Diagnostic Fact Sheets
- Helicobacter pylori Gastritis
- Adenomatous Polyps
- Hyperplastic Polyps
- Ulcerative Colitis
- Crohn’s Disease
- Barrett’s Esophagus
- Stomach Cancer
- Colorectal Cancer
Gastrointestinal Questions & Answers
Accepted Insurance
Acordia National
Affinity Medical Group
Affordable Medical Networks/First Health
Aftra Health Fund
Allied Administrators
Allied Benefits System
AMA Ins Age
Amalgamated Life Insurance
Ameriben Solutions
American ADM
American Assoc Ortho
American Life & Health
American Maritime Officers
American Postal Workers Union (APWU)
American Solutions
American Specialty Health
American Vet Medical
American Western Life Ins Co
Anchor Benefit
Anthem BCBS
Anthem Health Systems/American Health Network
Arkansas Best Ben
Associated Administrators Inc
Automotive Workers Union
Bakery Workers Union
Banker’s Life & Casualty
Basic Trust (Bay Area School Insurance)
Bay Area Automotive
Bay Area Delivery Drivers
Bay Area Painter
Bay Valley Medical Group
BCE Emergis PPO
Beechstreet PPO
Benefit Admin & Consultants
Benefit Administrators System
Benefit Administration Co
Benefit Planners
Benefit Risk Management (BRMS)
Benefit Services System
Best Life Assurance
Blue Cross (Medi-Cal)
Blue Cross CalPers
Blue Cross of California PPO Networks
Blue Shield of California PPO Networks
Board of Pension
Boilermakers National Health
Brown and Toland (Biopsies Only)
Brown and Toland Medical Group
California Employees Health & Welfare
California Foundation for Medical Care (CFMC)
California Ironworkers
California Pacific Medical Center
California Water Service Co Health
Camino Medical Group (Sunnyvale Med Group) (PAMF)
Cancer Detection Program (Medi-Cal)
Capital Administrators
Carpenter’s Health and Welfare
CDS Group Health
Cement Mason Health
Central Coast Alliance Health (Santa Cruz-Monterey
County Medi-Cal)
Chesterfield Res
Christian Brothers
Christopher Ranch
City Health Plan
CNA Insurance
Coastal HealthCare Admin PPO (Coastal TPA)-Aspire
Community Care Network (CCN)
Community Health Plan (CHP) (Santa Cruz &
Monterey County)
Competitive Health Plan
Contra Costa Health Plan
Cost Care Inc – Exclusive Provider Network PPO
Covered California (All)
Definity Health Claims
Delivery Drivers Union
Delta Health Systems
Diversified Admin
Diversified Group Admin
Eastbay Drivers Drayage
East Bay Physicians Medical Group
Eden Medical Center
Electrical Workers Union
Family PACT (Medi-Cal)
Foresight Inc
Foundation for Medical Care Santa Clara PPO
Gallagher Bassett
GE Financial
Gould Medical Group (Sutter)
Great West Life/One Health Plan
Group Health Systems (GHS)
Group Pension
Guaranteed Trust Life/Preferred One Admin
Harden & Co
Hartford Insurance
Harvard Pilgrim
Health & Welfare Benefit System
Health Care Foundation of San Mateo
Health Comp Incorporated
Health Net of CA
Health Plan Admin
Health Plan of San Joaquin
Health Plan of San Mateo (Medi-Cal)
Health Smart
Hill Physicians Medical Group (No Cytology)
HMD Health
Humboldt IPA
ILWU PMA Welfare Plan
Innovative Admin Service
Interplan Corporation EPO/PPO
Interstate Admin Service
John Alden
John Hancock/Unicare
Kaiser Permanente (PPO only)
Kanawita Insurance
Keenan & Associates
Keenan Health
Labor Trust Fund
Loomis Company
Los Angeles Fire Relief Lumenos
Mailhandlers Benefits
Managed Benefit Administrators (MBA)
Managed Care Inc
Medical Mutual
Mega Life
Monterey Bay IPA
Monterey Bay Public Employee Trust Fund (MBEHB)
Motion Picture Health & Welfare
Mountain States Admin
MCSIG – Monterey County School Insurance Group
Mutual of Omaha
MVP Health Care
National Assoc Self-Employed (NASE)
National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC)
National Capitol Admin Service
National Telecom
Nationwide Health Plan
New York Life
Nippon Life Insurance
No American Life & Casualty
No CA Floor Covering
No Cal Bakery Drivers
No Cal Cement Mason (Suisun City)
North Coast Trust Fund
Novato Community Hospital
Office Employees Ins
One Health Plan/Great West
Operating Engineers
Optilife Admin
Optima Health (Santa Cruz-Monterey Medi-Cal)
Oxford Health
P5 Health Plan
Pac Atlantic Admin
Pacific Health Alliance
Pacific Health Alliance Pref. Health Plan
Pacific Mutual
Palo Alto Medical Clinic
Palo Alto Medical Foundation (PAMF)
Palomares Medical Clinic
Partnership Health Plan
Peninsula Medical Clinic
Pension Operating Eng
PGBA Champus Railroad Medicare
Physician Foundation Medical Associates
Physicians Medical Group of Santa Cruz (PSI)(Dignity Health)
PIA Claremont Colleges
Pinnacle Claims Management
Pioneer Life Insurance
Pipe Fitters Union
Plumbers Union
PPO Alliance/Plus/Network
Preferred Administrators PPO/EPO
Preferred Health Network (PHN) PPO/Work Comp
Prestige International
Principal Mutual Life
Printing Specialties
Private Health Care Sys(PHCS) PPO/EPO/POS
Pro America PPO Network
Redwood Health Services
Saint Mary’s Preferred
San Benito County HMO (CHN)
San Francisco Administrators
San Francisco Electrical Workers
San Jose Medical Group
San Mateo Direct
Santa Clara County IPA (SCCIPA)
Santa Clara Family Health Plan (Santa Clara Cty Medi-Cal)
Santa Cruz Medical Clinic HMO (SCMC)
Secure Horizons
Select Benefit Administrators
Seven Day Adventist
Sheet Metal Works
SOFP (see Family PACT)
Standard Life
Stanford HealthCare Advantage
Stanford HealthCare Foundation
Stanford HealthCare Alliance (SHCA)
Star Admins
State Farm
Stationary Engineers Local 39
Stirling & Stirling
Sutter East Bay Medical Foundation
Sutter HMO
Sutter Independent Physicians
Sutter Medical Center Santa Rosa
Sutter Medical Group
Sutter Pacific Medical Foundation
Sutter Solano Medical Group
Teamsters Benefit Trust
Time Insurance
Transwestern Ins Admin
Tufts Health Plan
UFCW (Retail Clerks)
UFCW (Valley Clerks)
Union Labor Life Ins Co
United Administrators Service (UAS)
United Agriculture Employee
United HealthCare
United Service Auto Assoc
USA Managed Care Organization (USA Health Network)
USI Administrators
Valley Health Plan
Washington National
Wausau Insurance
Western Benefits
Western Growers
Wholesale Beer Distributors
Zenith Administrators
Zurich American-Workers Comp
Our Mission
We are committed to fully satisfying our customer’s needs by continuous development of a team whose abilities and service-orientated attitude will provide medical care and services of the highest quality and with the utmost courtesy and efficiency.

Job Openings
Work Schedule: Monday – Friday, 3 AM – 11:30 PM
Compensation: Negotiable, plus benefits
- B.S. Science Degree
- ASCP Certification in HT
- 5 years of HT experience including immunohistochemistry
- Medical Laboratory experience
- Grossing if applicable
- Process tissue
- Embed processed tissue into paraffin blocks
- Prepare slides for H&E and special stain
- Cut (microtomy) embedded tissue using rotary microtome
- Make slides cut blocks for re-cuts, special; stains, immunohistochemistry (IHC)
- Cutting deepers and re-cut requests
- Staining slides manually and using the automated slide stainer (Immunohistochemistry and special stains)
- Filter Hematoxylin stain, run and examine H&E test/control slide to ensure tissue and reagent preparation meets the lab requirements
- Label slides for QC
- Maintain stains (make sure stains are not expired)
- Deparaffinize, hydrate slides for specials and IHC’s
- Do heat induced epitope retrieval (HIER) for IHC’s
- Set up and load slides in the IHC stainer
- Order and validate antibodies (Ab’s)
- Hand stain all cytology slides
- Quality Control
- Correct accession error
- Slides and blocks
- Cleaning
- Clean microtome /embedding area
- Clean, change rotate solutions in the processor for tissue
- Clean and maintain the lab instruments (water baths automated slide stainer, IHC stainer, cover slipper, tissue processors and distillation unit)
- Clean paraffin pot
- Disinfect working area daily
- Communicate and problem solve daily work with Dominican Hospital
- Prepare solutions
- Write and type labels for all slides (specials, immunos and re-cuts)
- Coverslipping of stained slides
- Compare the number of blocks with the grossing log sheets
- Prepare eosin stain
- Distribute slides (in house) after QC
- Get priority/non-priority slides ready for couriers
- Assist others as needed
- Complete daily log sheet and submit the monthly report
- Follow ups on temperature records, equipment maintenance logs and safety equipment logs
- Assist pathologist in preparing surgical specimen (grossing)
- Troubleshoot lab equipment
- Answers telephone, fills client stain or recut requests and solves problems
- Files blocks, slides and other records as needed.
- If available, cover the night crew
- Assist in opening and labeling specimen containers/cassettes (PM shift)
- Ability to stand, walk and sit for long periods of time
- Ability to lift, open and move objects
- Ability to practice strict safety precautions when handling biological specimens, chemicals, hazardous waste, sharp and pointed instruments
- Ability to perform laboratory procedures accurately and quickly under stressful conditions and to adapt to changing situations
- Ability to exercise independent judgment, to think logically in the performance of one’s duties and to accept constructive criticism
- Ability to organize, prioritize and assume responsibility for one’s work
- Ability to maintain patient confidentiality and to exercise ethical judgment, integrity, honesty, dependability and accountability in the performance of one’s laboratory responsibilities
Work Schedule: Monday – Friday, 8:30 AM –5 PM
Compensation: Ranges from $21/hr to $28/hr plus benefits
- High School Diploma/GED
- Must be able to type 45 WPM
- Strong written and communication skills
- Proficient with Microsoft Word
- Customer service experience
- Knowledge of medical terminology
- Run batches for cytology cases, check for errors on reports against the requisitions and cytology worksheets, distribute reports according to individual client protocols, remaining aware of courier deadlines, and staple a copy of each final report to its requisition and place in the designated Billing Department pick-up location.
- Monitor pending Pap requisitions to ensure timely processing of all the cases; identify cases that should be completed by are still pending, and take corrective action.
- Send cc copies of final reports via U.S. mail.
- Check Paps with orders for HPV screening based on Pap diagnosis, in accordance with clients’ orders, and add HPV tests as appropriate, providing requisition to the cytology lab assistants to pull bottles for the Molecular Microbiology manager.
- Mark slides with a red dot to show a diagnosis of ASCUS or above.
- List high-risk patients (Pap diagnoses of ASC-H or higher) on the “Four Month Follow-Up Log” for notifying referring physicians to contact patients for follow-up visits.
- Input gross and clinical information from the laboratory on cervical biopsies, and as otherwise required by the Medical Services manager.
- Correlate cervical biopsies with Paps for the pathologists, using the appropriate correlation worksheet.
- Pull prior Pap slides with abnormal diagnoses within the past year for pathologists.
- Complete Confidential Morbidity Reports as required by applicable laws to report communicable diseases (primarily chlamydia and gonorrhea) using the CalREDIE web portal.
- Call client offices for missing or unclear information on requisitions.
- Collect requisitions and other paperwork from pathologists’ outboxes throughout the day.
- Issue amended, addendum or corrected reports as required.
- Add additional tests when requested via fax.
- Maintain filing of all requisitions (biopsies and Paps/ZZ case) in numerical order on a daily basis, including creating box labels, and rotating stock to backroom and offsite storage as needed.
- Answer phones professionally and in compliance with HIPAA regulations, including:
- Report requests
- Questions for pathologists
- Patient requests for pathology reports
- Redirecting calls to the appropriate department or individual
- Send reports daily via FedEx to remote doctors’ offices (e.g., Redding, CA), as required by current client protocols.
- Weekly: Prepare and send out normal pap letters to patients.
- Distribute incoming faxes to the correct department or individual.
- File intradepartmental consultation slips; compile copies of selected slips with pathology reports and circulate among pathologists for review.
- Support histology desk and Medical Services manager and supervisor as required.
- Check office supply inventory for ordering and communicate to manager what supplies are needed.
- Assists with additional projects as required by the Medical Services manager.
- Ability to sit for long periods of time
- Ability to lift, open and move objects using safe lifting protocols
- Ability to exercise independent judgment, to think logically in the performance of one’s duties, and to accept constructive criticism
- Ability to organize, prioritize, and assume responsibility for one’s work
- Ability to maintain patient confidentiality and to exercise ethical judgment, integrity, honesty, dependability, and accountability in the performance of one’s responsibilities
Location: In-person, Los Gatos, CA 95032
Work Schedule: Monday-Friday, 7:30 AM – 4:00 PM
Compensation: Ranges from $28/hr to $34/hr plus benefits
- High School Diploma/GED
- IDC-10 proficiency required
- Knowledge of medical insurances
- Knowledge of medical billing
- Minimum of 3 years of billing or similar experience
- Must be able to type 45+ WPM
- Telephone/Customer Service
- Reviewing hospitals, surgery centers, in-house and PAP requisitions for coding
- Review reports and diagnosis and code
- Code insurance carrier information
- Add/setup new insurance carriers into system
- Determine diagnosis code based on insurance eligibility
- Match histology special requests with requisition and code accordingly
- Verify diagnosis codes on requisitions, reports and M.D. review
- Ability to sit for long periods of time
- Ability to lift, open and move objects
- Ability to exercise independent judgment, to think logically in the performance of one’s duties, and to accept constructive criticism
- Ability to organize, prioritize, and assume responsibility for one’s work
- Ability to maintain patient confidentially and to exercise ethical judgment, integrity, honesty, dependability, and accountability in the performance of one’s responsibilities
Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy
Associated Pathology Medical Group, Inc. (APMG) is committed to protecting the privacy of your personal health information. APMG protects the confidentiality of individuals’ laboratory test results and other patient protected health information (PHI) that we collect and create as part of our diagnostic testing activities.
We encourage you to read this Notice thoroughly so that you will understand our commitment to protect your PHI. Should you have any questions about this Notice or any of our practices please call:
Executive Director
Associated Pathology Medical Group, Inc.
105A Cooper Court
Los Gatos, CA 95032
(800) 848-2764, ext. 2723
This Notice takes effect January 1, 2005
APMG’s Privacy Policy
APMG and its employees are committed to obtaining, maintaining, using and disclosing patient protected health information (PHI) in a manner that protects patient privacy. We will only disclose the minimum amount of PHI we consider necessary to perform diagnostic testing and receive reimbursement for our services. Your doctor(s) may have different Notices regarding their use and disclosure of your PHI created in their offices.
APMG is required by law to provide this Notice of Privacy Practices with respect to PHI, to maintain the privacy of PHI, to state the potential uses and disclosures of PHI, and to list the rights of individuals with respect to their PHI. Your PHI at APMG includes personal and medical information such as your name, address, date of birth, testing ordered that we obtain from you, your physician, health plan, or other sources. Your PHI also includes the laboratory testing results that we create.
Changes to this Notice of Privacy Practices
APMG is obliged to abide by this Notice as currently in effect. APMG reserves the right to change the terms of this Notice of Privacy Practices. The current Notice will be available on our website: and a printed copy is available by contacting our Executive Director at the phone number listed above.
How APMG may use and disclose your Protected Health Information (PHI)
Your PHI will be used or disclosed for treatment, payment, or healthcare operations purposes and for other purposes permitted or required by law. The ways APMG may use or disclose PHI fit into one of the categories listed below.
For Treatment
As a health care provider that provides laboratory testing for ordering physicians, APMG will disclose your PHI to physicians and other authorized health care professionals who need access to your laboratory results to treat you. In addition to your treating physician, we may provide a specialist consulting physician with information about your results to further validate the results before release to your physician.
For Payment
APMG may use and disclose your PHI so claims for our diagnostic services may be paid. These disclosures would be made to insurance companies, hospitals, physicians and health plans. Any third party disclosure would be to parties that assist us in creating bills and claim forms. In some cases we may have to contact you to obtain complete billing information or for other billing purposes. When required, we may use an outside collection agency to obtain payment.
For Healthcare Operations
We may use or disclose your PHI to enable us to support our operations. These include quality control, quality assurance and reference range creation. These operations would disclose only your demographic data such as age and sex, not unique identifiers such as name and social security number.
Disclosures to Business Associates
APMG may disclose your PHI to other companies or individuals who perform services for our company. These other entities, known as “business associates,” must sign a written agreement with APMG to appropriately safeguard your PHI.
As Required by Law
We may use or disclose your PHI for various public policy purposes that are authorized or required by federal or state law. We are required to disclose your PHI to the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services upon request. We must provide you with copies of your PHI at your request, except where restricted or prohibited by state law.
Public Safety
When appropriate we may use or disclose PHI to prevent or lessen a serious and imminent threat to health or safety of a person or the public.
Public Health
We may disclose your PHI when reporting communicable disease results to public health departments as required by law. This includes gonorrhea results. We may disclose your PHI for FDA reporting purposes.
Health Oversight
Various governmental agencies periodically review our records to ensure that APMG is complying with the rules and regulations of licensing agencies. These include CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid), HHS, State of California Department of Laboratory Field Services and others.
Judicial and Administrative Proceedings
We may disclose your PHI to comply with court orders, discovery requests or other legal process in the case of judicial or administrative proceedings.
Law Enforcement
We may also disclose your PHI for law enforcement purposes. For example, we may be required to release PHI to comply with a court order, judicial subpoena, court-ordered warrant, grand jury subpoena, administrative request or other investigative process. This happens only if efforts have been made to inform you of the request. We may also obtain an order of protection of the requested PHI.
National Security, Military and Protective Services
APMG may release your PHI to authorized federal officials. This is to enable them to conduct intelligence, counterintelligence, or other national security activities. Also to provide protection to the members of the U.S. government or foreign state, or to conduct special investigations.
Your Rights Regarding Your PHI
You or your authorized personal representative have the right to inspect and copy your PHI. To inspect and copy health information maintained by APMG, submit your request in writing to our Executive Director.
You have the right to request amendments. While APMG will consider such a request, we are not required to make requested amendments. Please contact our Executive Director, in writing, should you wish to make such a request.
Right to an Accounting of Disclosures
You have the right to request an “Accounting of Disclosures.” This is a list of the disclosures made by APMG in the preceding six (6) years from the date of your request. To complete a request please contact our Executive Director in writing.
Right to Request Restrictions
You have the right to request a restriction on the use and disclosure of your PHI. While APMG will consider such a request, we are not required to comply with the requested restrictions. Please contact our Executive Director, in writing, should you wish to make such a request.
Right to Request Confidential Communications
You have the right to request APMG communicate with your regarding your PHI using alternative means or at alternative locations. For example, you can ask we send your Explanation of Benefits (EOB) to a specified address. While APMG will attempt to accommodate all reasonable requests, we are not required to guarantee compliance with all requests.
Right to a Paper Copy of this Notice
You have the right to a paper copy of this Notice upon request. Please direct your requests, in writing, to our Executive Director.
If you believe your PHI, as described under this Notice, has been violated, you can mail a written complaint to the attention of our Executive Director whose address is listed below. You may also contact the regional office of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The complaint should generally be filed within 180 days of when the act or omission in your complaint occurred. Please Note: You cannot, and will not, be penalized or retaliated against for filing a complaint.
How to Exercise these Rights
All requests must be made in writing to the following address:
Associated Pathology Medical Group, Inc.
Attn: Executive Director
105A Cooper Court
Los Gatos, CA 95032
Molecular Testing
Molecular Testing
Our molecular testing laboratory is equipped with the powerful cobas® 4800 series analyzer.
We provide high risk HPV genotyping (16, 18 and all other high-risk genotypes) co-testing on women’s cytology specimens.
Nucleic acid amplification tests (NAATs) for chlamydia and gonorrhea are available in house.
24-hour turnaround time for all routine cases.
Our experienced pathologists are available daily for direct consultation.
More info on the Roche Platform here.

Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology
Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology
APMG offers comprehensive evaluation of fine needle aspiration interpretation specimens including breast, thyroid, lymph node, salivary glands or bone/soft tissue masses.
Our experienced, board-certified pathologists specialize in cytology.
Our experienced pathologists are available daily for direct consultation.
All the fine needle aspiration specimens are screened by experienced ASCP certified cytotechnologists.
24-hour turnaround time for all routine cases.
All unusual and complex cases are peer reviewed.
We offer an extensive panel of immunostains.